Give live and purpose to stroke and brain injury survivors by supporting awareness, education and outreach. Step to INSPIRE is a 5K Run/Walk/Roll that raises funds to support Park Nicollet Foundation funded award winning INSPIRE programs for survivors of stroke and brain injury.
Jeff Passolt, FOX 9 News anchor is the master of ceremonies. The INSPIRE vision is a community where stroke awareness is 100%, it is where stroke and brain injury survivors find resources and purpose while supporting each other.
INSPIRE offers support groups and educational opportunities to stroke and brain injury survivors, their families and caregivers. INSPIRE also builds community awareness of stroke risk and symptoms while providing access to the Neurological Learning Center, an informational library for those affected by stroke, brain injuries and other neurological disorders.
Money raised supports Park Nicollet’s INSPIRE Program vital programs addressing the emotional and psychological aspects of a long term recovery from stroke and brain injury. To learn more about this event, including volunteer opportunities, call Karen Bjorgan at 952-993-6789.